Total Organist Member Login
When you login, you will find training courses you'll take and more information. Enter your information in the form below:
Member Login
Member Login
Welcome, (First Name)!
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IMPORTANT: Some students had error message when trying to login or simply couldn't login and are constantly redirected to the same page.
If this is the case with you, be sure any antivirus / anti-malware app is turned off, and make sure any cookie settings are set to the most liberal state. Also be sure the firewall is off. You can also try clearing your cache. Login works best with the newest Chrome browser. You can download it here.
If this doesn't work, remember that you always can access your Total Organist training materials in our communication channel on Basecamp. Look for Message Board.
If this is the case with you, be sure any antivirus / anti-malware app is turned off, and make sure any cookie settings are set to the most liberal state. Also be sure the firewall is off. You can also try clearing your cache. Login works best with the newest Chrome browser. You can download it here.
If this doesn't work, remember that you always can access your Total Organist training materials in our communication channel on Basecamp. Look for Message Board.